Anti-Gay Lecturer Attracts Student Protest


Fremantle Protest 052A lecture at Notre Dame University called “Opposing ‘Death with Dignity’ and ‘Same Sex Marriage’: Faith or Reason?” attracted Equal Love protestors who campaigned out of the front of the building for the duration of the event.

The lecture was delivered by English Professor John Finnis, a figure well known for opposing homosexuality. Previously, Professor Finnis has referred to homosexuality as ‘morally depraved’.

LGBT Advocates from Equal Love WA spoke at the protest, pointing out the inequality of Professor Finnis opposing same-sex marriage rights on campus whilst simultaneously students were prevented from showing public support.

Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren also gave a short speech, offering words of support whilst encouraging protestors to keep “fighting for the cause”.

The University of Notre Dame defended hosting the event highlighting that Professor Finnis is an annual guest at the University and that the Professor is an internationally recognised and distinguished academic from Oxford University.  

Nadine Walker

Updated 11:40am 05-06-13 Comment from Notre Dame University