International Talk Like a Pirate Day


Pete the Pirate BearFriday is ‘International Talk Like a Pirate Day’ and nobody’s more excited about The Court Hotel’s upcoming party than Pete the Pirate Bear.

Pete, an extremely large bear who hangs out in the OUTinPerth office, is happy to share his top phrases you might want to drop into conversation to make the most of the event.

“How about shivering me timers”

“Would you like to drop your anchor in my lagoon?”

“That’s some treasure chest you’ve got there”

“Yo! HoHo! Can I buy you a bottle of Rum?”

“How about coming back to my home port and helping me dock?”

“How about you and I, Captain Hook -up?”

“That’s quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!”

Make sure you greet everyone with “Ahoy”, and agree to anything by saying ‘Aye”, Plus if you see DJ TimBee on your travels make sure you address him as Mr Smee, because we think he’d make an excellent first mate.

The Court Hotel’s ‘International Talk Like a Pirate Day’ Party starts at 8pm on Friday night.