Call out for LGBTI+ opinions on postal plebiscite


LGBTI+ advocates are asking the queer community what they believe is the best response to the government’s proposed postal plebiscite on marriage equality.

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton has proposed a $40 million postal vote, which will be optional for Australian voters and non-binding on MPs.

just.equal spokesperson and marriage equality advocate Rodney Croome says he and his colleagues are surveying the LGBTI community to determine what LGBTI+ people believe is the best response to the proposal.

“This is in line with our commitment to ensuring the wishes of the LGBTI community are central to the direction of the marriage equality campaign,” Croome said.

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) and Rainbow Families Victoria are also working on the national survey, with PFLAG providing the funding.

“We need to know what the LGBTI community thinks about this postal vote and we need to know how they want us to respond,” PFLAG’s national spokesperson Shelley Argent said.

“Some LGBTI people say they want to engage with a postal vote to win it, and others say they want to boycott it.”

“It’s important for lobby groups to represent the will of the whole LGBTI community and not head off down the wrong path.”

If you are interested in participating in the survey, you can fill it out here.

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