Sodastream responds to Lyle Shelton telling him he's decades out of touch


Sodastream have responded to Lyle Shelton’s criticism of their support for rainbow families by suggestion the aspiring politician is out of touch with modern times.

Shelton took aim at the drinks company’s Pride month campaign and said it was a celebration of “forced motherlessness”.

Shelton took to Twitter the other day to complain about a short animated video and some limited edition bottles that show children with same-sex parents.

“This also celebrates forced motherlessness, something civil society should never celebrate. But we are in a brave new world that crushes the rights of children & punishes anyone who does not celebrate the new rainbow world order.” Sheldon posted, using an emoji of a rainbow flag.

The video depicts a man and woman spending an ordinary day in the park with two small girls, playing on swings and sharing ice cream cones. We see the two adults comforting one of the children who fell down. The camera then shows all four characters returning home. The man and woman eventually part ways to two separate houses and embrace their respective spouses, revealing the adults are actually two same-sex couples with one child each.

Sodasteam saw Shelton’s message and send his a response suggesting he log off and return to an era where his views were suited for. The company posted a promotional image from the 1970s.

OIP Staff