Review | Larry Dean's 'Bampot' is hilarious, but also beautiful


Larry Dean Bampot | The Gold Digger | Until 27 Jan | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Scottish comedian Larry Dean had planned to create a show about his long-distance relationship with an Australian boy he met a few years ago. He had it all planned out, but just before he was about to put his new tour together he and paramour Luke broke up.

The result is an hour-long discussion about why we do the things we do, why do we try to get the last word in? Did it begin in our childhoods? Are all couples made up of one organised person and one disorganised person?

With his hilarious observations of life, personal anecdotes and quick witted responses to audience members, Larry Dean delivered an exceptional night of comedy. Touching on his dislike of certain sexual positions, suitcase packing habits, teenage psychology sessions, and apple eating adventures and what to do in an earthquake – this show covered a lot of ground.

The show takes on an epic journey from childhood fights with siblings, to adult romances, from Scotland to New Zealand, and back again.

Dean weaves a clever web of tales that build up into an emotional tsunami. A good comedy show is one that makes you laugh, a brilliant one will make you laugh until you cry, this one makes you laugh, then makes you cry at the sheer beauty of the storytelling.

Larry Dean is at The Gold Digger at Fringe Central until 27th January.  

Graeme Watson