Equality Australia call on bookstores to remove 'conversion therapy' titles


LGBTIQ+ advocacy group Equality Australia have launched a petition calling on Australian bookstores to remove titles promoting anti-gay ‘conversion therapy’.

The push comes after Amazon agreed they would remove ‘conversion therapy’ books from their international online store – the largest of its kind.

“Angus & Robertson and Dymocks are both continuing to sell books by the ‘Father of Conversion Therapy’, Joseph Nicolosi,” the petition reads.

“This is an unacceptable risk of harm to young people who could find his texts in their bookstores.”

“Nicolosi was a psychologist and his books continue to be listed as medical textbooks – even though medical associations around the world agree that his methods are harmful and don’t work.”

“Nicolosi’s books have been used to justify these ‘therapies’ in Australia and caused direct harm to people here.”

Equality Australia CEO Anna Brown has shared the petition to Twitter, urging Australians to add their signature.

“So-called conversion therapy causes profound psychological harm to LGBT people,” Brown tweeted.

“Yet bookstores in Australia are selling “medical” texts promoting these dangerous and discredited practices.”

The petition is a collaboration between Equality Australia, faith and LGBTIQ inclusion organisation Brave Network and the SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts) Survivors.

OIP Staff