NSFW Documentary about men cursed with a giant penis heading to Stan


A British documentary about men cursed with gigantic penises is coming to streamer Stan from 7th January 2023.

Probably Not Safe for Work, depends on where you work.

The film My Massive Cock premiered earlier this year on Channel 4 and shares the personal challenges of British men with larger than average appendages.

The tailer for the doco introduces us to Joe. He’s one of the less than 1% of men worldwide that have a penis over 8 inches. But being extra well-endowed isn’t always rosy – Joe, and men like him, have lost out on jobs and dates because of their size. Some even face being fetishised and experiencing harassment from friends and strangers.

The 22-year-old says he faces daily abuse from people staring at his crotch or making inappropriate personal comments. He even needs to buy special underwear to house but it does nothing to hide the bulge and he’s been accused of inappropriate behaviour in job interviews.

Football coach Scott is 34 and looking for love, but his friends are always teasing him about the size of his penis.

“It gets to a point where it can get a bit tedious.” Scott says, as people never stop talking about it. After he did a nude photoshoot with some mates, word has spread around town and he’s getting a lot of requests from women for dates. Scott is worried though that people are not really interested in him as a person.

Ex plumber Andy Lee has embraced his extra length and switch careers to being an adult performer, while Cambridge graduate Matt is exploring ways to have the size of his penis reduced, feeling it’s blocking him from finding a long-term relationship.

“Being well endowed gets your attention, not affection.” Matt says sharing that an erection can leave him light-headed. He’s also had the experience of former partners sharing intimate pictures without his consent.

As a black man 27-year-old YouTuber Cam shares that he’s always felt fetishized, with people under the impression that black men will have a larger penis. He says the porn industry has been created a false impression of black men.

“It really kind of makes you feel like less of a human.” he says.

While the documentary definitely has a lot of titillation, it also presents a wide range of views on the topic and might be a conversation starter for important discussions.

Watch the documentary on Stan from 7th January. 

Graeme Watson 

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