Perhaps you’ve seen the WA AIDS Council’s Safe Sex Sluts out and about in the past, handing out safe sex packs and info at various events, including Pride and Fairday. This volunteer activity has evolved over more than a decade and has just been relaunched as Safe Sex Angels. We are now seeking guys and girls to polish up their halos and strap on their wings!
“1996†Safe Sex Sluts hit the streets of Perth
Safe Sex Sluts (volunteer outreach) program hit the streets of Perth in 1996, with an original purpose of educating gay and bisexual men as well as men who have sex with men, about sexual behaviours that reduce the risk of HIV transmission. The program had a strong educative element and required volunteers to engage with clients/patrons for one-on-one education sessions – heavy going on the volunteers.
“2004†Safe Sex Sluts relax and enjoy the party
In 2004, the Safe Sex Sluts Program decided that it was time to kick back, relax and enjoy the party as well. The one-on-one education was ditched and the volunteer’s main role was now to ‘meet and greet’ patrons on arrival at an event or venue, give out ‘Safe Sex Packs’ and provide occasional referrals upon request. There was to be less over loading of information and more focus on patrons going out and having fun. It was during this time that the project started thinking it was time to go ‘whole of community’. This meant we were there for the girls too, not just the boys.
“2008†Sluts are off the street because the ‘Safe Sex Angels’ are movin’ in!
2008 again sees the program evolving, this time it’s a face lift. With all the internal changes that have occurred over the years, we thought it was time for a bit of cosmetic nip and tuck. So, we decided to take the sluts off the street and move the angels in. The Safe Sex Angels primary objective will still be to increase awareness of the risk of sexually transmitted infections via sexual behaviours, but they will also increase sexual literacy within the GLBTIQ community. We are going to spread our angelic wings with a noticeable presence. So, if you’re out and about at a venue or an event and you’re feeling the urge to be a devil, call past an Angel to get your hands on the little package that will keep you safe while you’re having fun.
Calling All Angels
Safe Sex Angels need you! We are in desperate need of cherubs whose dream it is to be an Angel, a volunteer Safe Sex Angel that is. There are so many diverse events out there in the GLBTIQ community, with patrons that need to be ‘Touched by an Angel’. If this sounds like the volunteering opportunity you’ve been looking for, we look forward to helping you find your wings.
Contact Volunteer Coordinator Catherine Daymond or Safe Sex Angels Coordinator Clyde DuBois on 9482 0000 for more information.