by Judith Stacey
A leading expert on the family, Judith Stacey found herself impatient with the interminable wars over same-sex marriage, divorce, fatherlessness, marital fidelity, and the like. Built on original research that spans gay men’s intimacies and parenting in the U.S. to plural and non-marital forms of family in South Africa and China, Unhitched decouples the taken for granted relationships between love, marriage, and parenthood. Countering the one-size-fits-all vision of family values, Stacey offers readers a lively, in-person introduction to these less familiar varieties of intimacy and family. Through compelling stories of real families navigating inescapable personal and political trade-offs between desire and domesticity, the book undermines popular convictions about family, gender, and sexuality held on the left, right, and centre.
Lezly Herbert