Perth Marriage Equality This Saturday


Equal Love 2 118Pull out your most colourful outfit and slip on your walking shoes for this Saturday’s Marriage Equality Rally.

Taking place in the Perth CBD, co-convenor of Equal Love and an organiser of the rally Sam Cavallaro said now was a pertinent time to show your support for equality.

“In terms of an overall right, there is an election coming up and we want to be putting pressure on the politicians,” Cavallaro said.

Meeting at Stirling Gardens on the corner of Barrack Street and St George’s Terrace organisers will lead the group through Murray Street and loop back around along Hay Street convening back at the original location.

Before the march sets off speakers from the Greens, Equal Love, a member of the trans* community and a speaker on refugee rights will address the crowd.

There will also be a minutes “rage” in respect for Equal Love co-convenor and prominent LBTIQ activist Amber Maxwell who passed away on the weekend.

Cavallaro said Amber would have been opposed to a minutes silence and encourages people to bring noisemakers to celebrate the life of an inspirational person.

“We’re hearing her story and the things that she was up against in her life and this is a tragedy that we never want to hear again and so we want to take a stand against homophobia and trans*phobia through our fight for equal rights and marriage equality,” he said.

A memorial is being held for Amber Maxwell following the rally at the CPSU/CSA offices at 3pm at level five 445 Hay Street Perth.

Read about Amber’s work here.

Read about the last Marriage Equality Rally here.

Joe Cassidy