GALSWA Are Ready for the Big Night



The Gay and Lesbian Singers of Western Australia are getting ready for a repeat performance of their ‘Best of Broadway’ show. The community singing group will bring ‘Encore’ an abridged version of their popular show from 2014 to Fringe World this month.

Rob Lines, who joined the choir two years ago, said there were lots of different reasons why he joined the group but the great social interaction was at the top of his list.

“I enjoy singing and you get to meet people that you wouldn’t otherwise meet” Lines said.

One of Lines favourite parts of GALSWA’s show is a number performed by all the men in the choir.

“The choir sings large parts of the program, but then there are numbers done by smaller groups,” He explained. “There are six men in the choir, we call ourselves ‘the six pack’ – because we have a six pack between us!

“We are definitely doing a number called ‘Bring on the Men’ which is a lot fun. I think the audience enjoys it so much because it’s a number that we really enjoy performing.” Lines said.

Catch GALSWA’s ‘Encore’ at Fringe World on February 22nd, head to for tickets.

OIP Staff


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