PFLAG steps up campaign calling for the plebiscite to be axed


Shelly-Argent-horz-001The Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) have stepped up their campaign against the marriage plebiscite by taking out an advertisement in The Australian.

The group that represents the parents and families of LGBTIQ people said it’s time for the Prime Minister to stop sidestepping the issue of marriage equality.

Recently the government pushed an announcement on what the question for the plebiscite would be, and has only committed to a vague timing for the vote.

Speaking to OUTinPerth PFLAG’s national spokesperson Shelly Argent said the government was ignoring the issue.

“Politicians just don’t want to know about it at the moment.” Argent said but noted that the communities dissatisfaction with the lack of action was not going to go away.

While some politicians have branded marriage equality as a minority issue, Argent said they are forgetting that this issue affects the whole family.

“We’re not the minority and this is important. This whole issue is about family, it’s not just about a piece of paper, it’s about families, being inclusive, it’s about parents wanting equality for all their sons and daughters.” Argent said.

“Turnbull isn’t running the country, it’s being run by the likes of Bernardi, Abetz and Andrews, and Abbott is still in the background.” Argent said.

Argent said she hoped that if the Prime Minister was re-elected he would have the confidence to stand by his convictions.

‘We’re not going away, and we have expectations. I’m hoping that a re-elected Malcolm Turnbull would feel that it’s his government, his party that he’s running and then he would stand by some of his beliefs.” Argent said.

A copy of the advertisement is below, more info can be found at