Youth Turn Out for Equality


Gay and lesbian equality WA has been proud to see such a great turnout to the latest rallies in support of Equal Marriage rights for all Australians regardless of gender. These rallies show the broad support seen in the community for marriage equality. These rallies are not simply being attended the standard ‘rent-a-crowd’ of the organised left, these rallies are being attended by WA citizens both gay and straight, by WA citizens indigenous and non indigenous and perhaps most importantly by WA citizens young and old.

While it is hardly surprising that support for same sex marriage is amongst its highest with young people, what is surprising is that large numbers of young people, both queer and non-queer, are becoming actively involved in the struggle for marriage equality.

At the March 19 equal marriage rally there were a large amount of under-25 year olds. I spoke to a group of three teenagers at the rally, two were queer identifying one was straight. When I asked them, ‘Why they had attended the rally?’ The answers that I got were both motivating and surprising. One of the teens answered that he was simply sick of discrimination in all of its forms. One of the other teenagers gave another response, ‘Both the major parties refuse to listen to us so this our last option, to take to the streets’.

The ‘apathetic Gen Y’ is a growing force in the growing campaign for marriage equality and the major parties would do well to heed their calls for full equality. If you want to get involved in the campaign for full equality for all Australians, please visit or email

Ozzie Coghlan
GALE Gay and lesbian equality