Woman trolls homophobic neighbour with rainbow Christmas decorations



A woman in the USA has responded to hearing homophobic and transphobic comments from her neighbour by proudly covering her house with rainbow Christmas decorations.

Lexi Magnusson of Washington state told Buzzfeed that she had heard the anti-LGBTI comments a few months earlier and wanted her neighbour to know she felt it was unacceptable.

“Basically she told us she moved here to get her children away from the gays,” Magnusson told Buzzfeed.

“She went on to tell us how horrified she was when her son got turned down for prom because the girl was already planning on going with her girlfriend.”

After speaking with her neighbour, Magnusson says they will no longer even wave at her across the yard. To further confirm her stance on the issue, Magnusson decorated her porch with 10,000 Christmas bulbs arranged by the colours of the Pride flag.

Magnusson says she wishes her gesture of support for the LGBTIQ+ community was seen as commonplace.

OIP Staff
