So Loquacious: Nic Holas chats about HIV activism, fringe festivals and hotels


Nic-Headshot-1Activist Nic Holas, founder of The Institute of Many, and outspoken advocate for HIV awareness joins us on the latest edition of the So Loquacious podcast.

Nic joins Graeme Watson and Leigh Hill in the studio for a wide ranging discussion covering HIV activism, PrEP treatment, fringe performances and celebrity encounters.


So Loquacious is OUTinPerth’s podcast, each episode we go behind the headlines and present an in-depth discussion about LGBTIQ news and culture.

Subscribe to So Loquacious on iTunes or Soundcloud and hear previous episodes where guests Tiernan Brady, Misty Farquhar, Matthew Bacon and others chat about LGBTI news and culture.