Teenager arrested after attack on Dublin's Pantibar


A Dublin teenager has been arrested after allegedly throwing a rock covered with homophobic abuse through the window of Dublin’s Pantibar.

The bar, which is run by world famous drag star Panti Bliss, is a much loved venue in the Irish captial.

On Friday night a rock was thrown through one of the bar’s windows. It was covered in gaffer tape upon which a homophobic message was written.

The slur was penned in Irish and said “piteoga amach as Eireann”, which translates to “fairies out of Ireland”.

The drag star posted an image of the rock to Twitter, confirming that nobody was hurt in the attack. The incident occurred on the eve of Dublin’s Pride celebrations.

A short time later Panti Bliss posted a second message saying the youth had been apprehended by the venue’s bouncers, while running away from the police.

“Never return to the scene of the crime” Panti Bliss said of the teenager’s return.

He was taken into police custody and later released. Police say they are now preparing a file for the public prosecutor’s consideration.

OIP Staff