OUTinPerth during the COVID-19 pandemic


It’s difficult to find the words to describe the world we find ourselves in today, within just few weeks, life as we have known it has completely changed. For many of us we have found our livelihoods disappear, and many things about the future are uncertain.

At OUTinPerth we’ve decided not to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation is serious, and everyone should stay up to speed with the latest changes, but we’ll leave that to the mainstream media who are better suited to bring you the latest breaking information.

You can find the latest official update from the WA Health Department here, and the WA AIDS Council has shared a fact sheet that may also be helpful. Our friends at Connection and Wellbeing Australia have also put together a guide on how to better take care of your mental health during these uncertain times.

There is a lot of information to take in, and we encourage you to focus on information from reliable news sources, as there is a lot of unreliable information online.

For OUTinPerth we’ll be focusing on bringing you news and information that can give you a break from the wall-to-wall coronavirus news. Stories that can help you if your in isolation, and things that support our community connection. As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have a story to share.

As a business OUTinPerth is well placed to continue operating. Since January 2019 when we moved to be a fully digital publication we have been working from home, so we’re way ahead of many organisations in making that adjustment.

Our operating costs are also very minimal, our major costs are humble wages for our small team, and taxes.

The entertainment sector, venues, music tours and theatre, are the majority of advertisers on OUTinPerth.com, and this income stream has evaporated. This leaves the business with minimal income streams.

As such we have launched a new GoFundMe campaign Love OUTinPerth to help us through this period. If you are experiencing hardship at this time we are NOT asking for your help, but if you still have a stable income, and love what we do, please consider supporting our work.

After we launched the new GoFundMe campaign the government has announced some additional business support packages, we are waiting to see the details of this to find out how it might apply to our business.

Take care of each other and yourselves,

Leigh Andrew Hill and Graeme Watson

Love OUTinPerth Campaign

Help support the publication of OUTinPerth by contributing to our
GoFundMe campaign.