The Australian Lesbian Medical Association have research grant on offer


The Australian Lesbian Medical Association has announced that their 2021 funding round of research grants to the total value of $20,000 over two years has been extended to the 25th June.

The aim of the grant is to support research projects that will improve the health and wellbeing of Australian lesbian and same-sex attracted women and which can be completed within two years.

The group is  particularly interested in projects that focus on; connection to community, identity and expression, and the impact of Covid-19 on LGBTIQA+ communities.

Projects in other areas will be considered and projects must be nationally applicable. Project proposals from ALMA members will be considered even if the proposed project is based overseas.

Applicants are to submit their proposal no later than Friday 25th June 2021 to the ALMA administrative support officer via email. Proposals should address the grant selection criteria and clearly show how they relate to the topics of interest (if applicable).

For further information, contact: Dr Georgie Swift or Dr Anne Tonkin.

Find out more at their website.

Source: Media Release

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