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Tag: transgender


Marriage or Gender Recognition? Tough Choice for Trans* Woman

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled against a transgender women who wishes to have her gender legally recognised. Heli, 49, is unable to...

Laverne Cox is First Transgender Emmy Nominee

Laverne Cox has been nominated for "Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series" for her role as Sophia Burset in hit Netflix series 'Orange...

Demand for Youth Transgender Services Grow

Referrals to Australia's only clinic for transgender people under the age of 18 has soared in recent years. The ABC TV program '7:30' has reported...

State of Victoria Invalidates Trans Man's Marriage

The state of Victoria has invalidated the marriage of a trans man and his wife. Paige Phoenix was able to marry his female partner...

Tradition and Diversity: Notes on Religious & LGBTQI Experiences

Dr Gávi Ansara, PhD is many things. He’s Manager – Policy & Research at the National LGBTI Health Alliance in Australia. Outside of this...

R Kelly Discusses His Transgender Son

13 year old Jay Kelly, musician and producer R Kelly's youngest child, recently came out as transgender via social media. Jay Kelly's mother Drea has...

New Zealand Trans Woman Attacked

A trans woman in New Zealand is in intensive care after being attacked by three unknown men on Saturday. The men reportedly attacked 33 year...

Canadian Transgender Boy Wins New Birth Certificate

In the Canadian Province of Alberta a transgender boy his received a new birth certificate that officially recognizes his gender as male. Twelve year old...

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Alison Moyet announces new compilation and world tour

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Computing pioneer Lynn Conway dies aged 86

Conway was a trailblazer in the development of microchips.

NSW teacher fired from religious based school

Current laws make the dismissal completely legal.

14,221 days and counting of lawful discrimination under the WA Equal Opportunity Act

OPINION | How long will Western Australians wait for law reform?

‘Media Watch’ host Paul Barry to step down at the end of the year

Barry is the show's longest serving host.