Did You Remember to Get Your Cat Microchipped?



Special Offer

Tough new State Cat Laws came into effect on November 1st, 2013. The new Cat Bill means that cat owners must ensure their cat is sterilised, microchipped, registered with their local council and wearing a collar and tag by the end of the month, to avoid hefty fines.

Microchipping is a fairly non-invasive procedure which involves inserting a uniquely coded chip between the shoulder blades of the animal, using a hypodermic needle. The chip is then registered with a microchipping Registry, complete with owners details.

When animals are found, their chip is scanned, bringing up the owners details and allowing a speedy reunion.

The aim of the new cat laws are to decrease the number of euthanased cats, and also decrease the number of stray animals inundating council kennels and rescue organisations.

To help owners of both cats and dogs meet these requirements, Bayswater Vet Clinic has heavily reduced the price of all microchipping to just $40. To take advantage of this special, owners simply need to call the Clinic on 9371 2456 and book a short appointment.

Bayswater Vet Clinic is located at 1010 Beaufort St, Bedford. The offer extends from 19th Oct to 30th Nov 2013.

Image: YayMicro/chrisga