Saskwatch Get Ready for New Year's Day


SASKWATCH - IMG 1-001Melburne band Saskwatch are heading to Perth to celebrate New Year’s Day at The Cuban Club. Simone Gordon put some questions to trumpeter Liam McGorry.

With your successful album Nose Dive you seemed to diversify into other musical genres, how has your music progressed?

I guess we’ve always been into a lot of types of music…we just wanted to do something a little different with Nose Dive. I think over time we’ve changed a bit organically, experimenting with new sounds and arrangements and with working with Magoo it really brought out some new ideas.

What’s the meaning behind the band name Saskwatch?

Nothing really, we just needed a name for our first real gig and Nic chose it!

What’s been your favorite festival to play at to date?

Festivals in general are great. Highlights personally have been Meredith, Golden Plains and Glastonbury…

You’re currently touring in the US, do you have any crazy stories you can share with us?

When we were in New York, we ended up at this club where there were these short one act performances that were incredibly dark. I don’t know why we went there.

How much has social media played with the success you’ve had?

It’s been great in the sense that people can find us and our music at any time, even people on the other side of the world. Also, in turn getting people to come down and see us live.

From starting out as buskers, how did you progress from humble beginnings to touring at large music festivals?

We basically just played a lot of shows. For 2 years we played like 2 or 3 times a week in and around Melbourne just trying out new songs and working on our set. Gradually I think we’ve gotten a little better…

With a large band, how do members put in their own contribution in creating an album?

I think everyone contributes in their own way…but roles aren’t really too defined to be honest.

You’ll be in Perth for NYE, any resolutions for the year ahead?

Ohhh….Not really as yet. Probably should exercise a little more.

Saskwatch play at Cuban Club on New Year’s Day, head to their website for tickets.

Simone Gordon