US Democrats propose landmark LGBT 'Equality Act'


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The US Democratic party are preparing to put forward a new LGBT rights bill that would outline protections under seven different categories, including education, public accommodations and housing.

The bill has been dubbed the “Equality Act,” and has been co-sponsored by Senators Tammy Baldwin, Cory Booker and Jeff Merkly.

The Equality Act would see the LGBT community afforded the same protection as the Civil Rights Act provided to others in 1964.

“In most states, a same-sex couple can get married on Saturday, post pictures on Facebook on Sunday and then risk being fired from their job or kicked out of their apartment on Monday. A majority of states in our country do not have laws that protect LGBT individuals against discrimination,” writes out Democratic representative David Ciciline, in a letter to Congress in support of the bill.

Just days ago, the US Senate voted against LGBT protections in schools, led by Republican Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee. The Democrats hope the new, broader Equality Act bill will make it through the Republican heavy Congress.

OIP Staff

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