Will marriage equality be a topic on next week's Q&A?


Tony Jones

Marriage equality is one of the issues that get’s panelists on ‘Q&A’ into heated discussions. Since the show returned for 2016 there’s hardly been a mention of marriage equality or the upcoming plebiscite.

The panel locked in for the show this coming Monday is likely to address the issue. Lining up on the desk alongside host Tony Jones will be new National’s leader Barnaby Joyce, Labor’s Terri Bultter, who is one of the MPs behind the private members bill hoping to change the marriage act, The Greens’ Sarah Hanson-Young and conservative commentator Mark Styne.

Australia’s new Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce expressed his thoughts on marriage equality when he said it might impact the nation’s trade with Asian countries as they might consider allowing same sex couples to wed as a sign of decadence.

The show accepts questions from the general public which can be submitted through a web form on their site or you can also upload a video question.

Q&A’ is on in Western Australia on ABC News24 at 6:30pm for the live broadcast, and at 9:35pm on ABC1.

OIP Staff