Alannah MacTiernan quits federal politics


Alannah MacTiernan

Alannah MacTiernan, the member for Perth has delivered a surprise announcement, she’s quitting politics at the next federal election.

Ms MacTiernan was previously a Minister in the Gallop government in Western Australia and served 14 years in the WA parliament before attempting to switch to federal politics.

Her first attempt at federal politics didn’t pay off, in 2010 she ran against the late Don Randall for the seat of Canning but failed to bump the sitting member. In 2013 Ms MacTiernan won the seat of Perth replacing outgoing Labor member Stephen Smith. In between her election campaigns MacTiernan was the Mayor of the City of Vincent.

Ms MacTiernan has told Perth Now that she didn’t feel was in a position of influence in her current role and wished she had more of a say in policy formation.

The popular representative said it takes a long time to establish yourself in Canberra and at this stage in her career she did not have the patience.

“If I was at the beginning of my political career I could afford to be more patient in this regard.” Ms MacTiernan said.

“I believe it is more sensible for me to pass on the baton to someone who can build a bigger role over the next decade.

“I know there are quality candidates waiting in the wings – and I know we can and will win the confidence of the people of Perth at the next election.”

Ms MacTiernan has not completely ruled out a return to state politics, saying the constant travel from Western Australia to Canberra was something that took it’s toll.

The 63 year old former WA Transport Minister told Perth Now that she has no aspirations to become the Labor leader in WA but would “never say never” about a return to a state seat.

OIP Staff. Updated: 1-02-16 4:57 Ms MacTiernan’s media release remarks included.



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