Netflix to screen two hour Sense8 finale special next year


Sense8 fans will have one last chance to say goodbye to the beloved program as Netflix announce a two-hour finale special due to air next year.

Posting on social media, co-creator Lana Wachowski attributed the special to the vocal support of fans who were let down by the program’s cancellation earlier this year.

“The passionate letters, the petitions, the collective voice that rose up like the fist of Sun to fight for this show was beyond what anyone was expecting,” Wachowski wrote.

“It is my great pleasure as well as Netflix’s (believe me, they love the show as much as we do but the numbers have always been challenging) to announce that there will be another two-hour special released next year.”

Last month it was revealed that the LGBT-centric show would not be renewed for another season along with Netflix originals Girlboss, Bloodline and Baz Luhrmann’s The Get Down.

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