Victorian Opposition Leader apologises for homophobic student letter


Victorian Liberal leader Matthew Guy has apologised for putting his name to an anti-LGBTI letter during his time as a student at Latrobe University.

AAP have reported the document has recently emerged with the Opposition Leader’s signature, addressed to the university’s Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force from the La Trobe University Students’ Representatives Council in 1994.

“We view your organisation with distaste and see it as a sign of a very sick society suffering from severe moral decay,” the letter reads.

“It is a shame that organisations such as yours exist.”

Guy has responded to the emergence of the letter, explaining he apologised after it was delivered as he “realised it was inappropriate.”

Victoria’s Deputy Premier James Merlino has described the letter as disgraceful and hurtful.

“Matthew Guy at times talks with a forked tongue,” Merlino said.

“No doubt we all say things we regret but they were pretty considered and hurtful words in that letter, reflecting some deep seated attitudes.”