Is there anything more Christmassy than Marina Prior singing carols?


Marina Prior has always had a strong association with Christmas, she’s appeared each year on Channel Nine’s Christmas Carols broadcast, coming into our homes on Christmas Eve to serenade us with carols as the last of the presents are wrapped and glasses of milk are left out for Santa, and carrots are set aside for visiting reindeer.

The acclaimed singer also does an annual Christmas show of her own, and this year she’s bringing it to Perth for the first time. Chatting to Prior on the phone it’s clear that she’s thrilled to be bringing the show to Western Australia, but is also brimming with excitement for the festive season.

“I love Christmas, I don’t think I could be friends with someone who doesn’t love Christmas. I love it very much. As a singer there are all these beautiful songs that you only get to sing once a year, they are so beautiful.”

“They’re written by famous composers like Hayden, and other great composers – a  lot of them are really good music.” Prior told us from her hotel room while she was on tour with Il Divo.

“I think when we hear that music, we’re all programmed to think ‘Oh My God- it’s Christmas’, it’s quite wonderful.” Prior said.

While she’s a lover of the classics, Prior also adores some of the newer Christmas songs like John Lennon’s Happy Christmas (War is Over), Grown Up Christmas List which was originally recorded by Natalie Cole and When a Child is Born which was added to the Christmas lexicon in the mid-1970s.

I love Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas it’s just so happy, every Christmas morning it comes on in our house and we all sing along.” Prior says revealing that her house-hold it’s strictly all Christmas songs from the first of December onwards.

“I have an enormous playlist, or else there would be some high rotation.” Prior said.

Catch Marina Prior and The Astor Theatre on Friday 14th December, tickets available from

Pick up a copy of this month’s OUTinPerth magazine to see Marina’s answers to our 60-second Christmas Quiz.

Graeme Watson