Chelsea Manning remains in jail after being denied bail


Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is staying in prison after the US federal appeals court denied her application to be released on bail.

The court opted to uphold a lower court’s decision to hold her in civil contempt after she refused to testify before a grand jury.

Manning has been detained since March when she refused to give testimony to the USA’s ongoing investigation into Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Since Mannings imprisonment began Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested in London, and is expected to be deported to the USA where he is accused of working with Manning to gain access to hundreds of thousands of classified documents relating to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, has already been found guilty of stealing the documents. She has already served years in prison for leaking one of the largest collections of classified documents in U.S. history.

She was released from prison in 2017 after President Barack Obama commuted the majority of her 35 year sentence.  While in prison Manning underwent gender transition.

OIP Staff