Are you a bisexual person in a heterosexual relationship?


Are you attracted to more than one gender and currently in a relationship with someone of a different gender? Researchers want to hear about your experiences for some vital research.

Bi+ Australia are partnering with LaTrobe University, Curtin University, beyondblue, Thorne Harbour Health and CORES Australia to conduct the Story of Us project.

The study aims to delve deeper into new research finding that bisexual people in intimate relationships with different-sex partners experience poorer mental health.

This newly identified phenomenon undermines the commonly held assumption that bisexual people in heterosexual relationships experience a form of ‘heterosexual privilege’ and therefore should experience better mental health than those in same-sex relationships.

Funded by La Trobe University, this research seeks to gain an understanding of a large group of people who are often invisible in society and whom previous research has largely ignored.

Find our more at The Story of Us.

OIP Staff