Roll up for WA and get the vaccine this weekend at the M Clinic


Western Australians who are yet to be vaccinated are encouraged to ‘Roll up for WA‘ this weekend as vaccinations are made available at a wide range of locations.

A pop-up clinic is offering the opportunity to walk in for a COVID-19 vaccination as Perth kicks off PrideFEST 2021

WAAC has generously offered their M Clinic premises for the vaccination day on Saturday 6 November, 10am to 3pm at 2 Clive street, West Perth.
Roll up and stay COVID safe at PrideFEST 2021.

The M Clinic is just one location where you can get the vaccination this weekend, you can also head down to many Bunnings stores, many shopping centres, and the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. See the full list of additional locations.

This morning Premier Mark McGowan laid out his roadmap for reopening Western Australia, indicating that the state government were aiming to get 90% of the local community vaccinated before lifting travel restrictions.

Currently, 79.3 per cent of West Australians aged 12 and above have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 63.7 per cent are fully vaccinated. It is anticipated the 90% goal could be reached by late January 2022.

Health Minister Roger Cook urged people who have not yet embarked on the vaccination program to take action.

“We need at least 250,000 more Western Australians to roll up and get vaccinated. That’s about four Optus Stadiums full of people, and we can do it,” he said.

“Do you really want to be one of those 250,000 people holding us back?”

As a media organisation all staff at OUTinPerth are required to be fully vaccinated. Editors Graeme Watson and Leigh Andrew Hill have both had two doses of the vaccination, and are now waiting to be eligible for the booster shot as well.

“We understand there are many reasons people may not have taken the vaccine yet.” said Graeme Watson. “For some people there are legitimate medical reasons, but for others we just might not have found time to put the appointment in our schedule, maybe we’ve experienced some trepidation about injections, and some people have even told me they just don’t like being told what to do.”

“If you’ve just been busy, or hesitant, or trying to be non-conforming, this weekend is a great time to take action, and roll up your sleeve.”

Got some questions about vaccines? Dr Karl has some answers.  

OIP Staff

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