Pride WA have announced the appointment of five new committee members to fill the vacancies left by resignations during the year.
Former Pride Co-Presidents Daniel Smith and Sue Fisher-Hendry have rejoined the committee. Also joining the committee mid-term are founding GRAI President Graham Lovelock and Michelle Rigg, a former president of the Loton Park Tennis Club. The fifth new face on the committee is Jake McPartland.
In an email to members of the organisation, Female Co-President Alice Newport announced that McPartland would be taking over the management of memberships of the organisation. Fisher-Hendry, Smith, Lovelock and Rigg would be focusing on the development of a strategic plan and creating organisational reform.
Since the organisation’s last Annual General Meeting Female Co-President Rebecca Hills, Festival Coordinators Matthew Landers and Kingsley Norris plus Membership Officer Joel Murphy have stepped down from their roles.
OIP Staff