Pride: It’s All About Community


With the AGM behind us, it is time for Pride to look forward and start preparing ourselves for the year ahead. Although sad to say goodbye to the committee members who have left us, we welcome four new additions with open arms.

The committee is composed of a fantastic mix of people with experience in not for profit arts and community organisations, as well as with practised business knowledge, which will allow us to operate as a sound community organisation.

Having the new committee in place provides us with the much needed footings to finalise this year’s Glammys and Ball. Nominations are coming in thick and fast and it’s set to be a fantastic event. This is your chance to recognise the people that make a difference in your community. Voting and tickets are both available through the website with voting open until May 1st, and tickets on sale until May 14th.

Nominations can be for anyone, a group, a project, an event, or anything that you think fits into the category. It’s about giving recognition to the people that have made a difference in your life and in your community.

If you’re struggling for ideas, think about the things or the people, that make life easier for you in your community, whether that be something you hear or read, someone that helps you get through the day, or an organisation that helped you or someone you know.

You don’t have to vote in every category, but have a think, and you might be surprised about how many ideas you have. Everyone’s definition of community is different, and especially in the case of the Glammys, there are no rights or wrongs.

After the Glammys, as winter sets in, it’ll be time for us to get stuck in planning for this year’s festival. This year will be totally different, with us looking at things from every angle possible and making it the best it can be and totally community focused. If you’ve got ideas or want to be involved, email

This year is about you, us, the community as a whole, and that spans to include regional WA too. We’re bringing about change this year, and boy, is it going to be good. To make sure you’re a part of it, stay tuned.

Written by the 2012 Pride committee.