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It's not personal, it's Drag Factory

The Court Hotel's weekly drag extravaganza was in full swing last week as hosts Veronica Jean Jones and Alexas Armstrong pit 3 Perth queens...

RADIOTHON 2015 Party

RTRFM hosted their annual Radiothon fundraising party on Saturday, taking over Northbridge with the best of Perth's local bands and DJs across 5 of...

No More Delays – Marriage Equality Now

Large crowds descended on Forrest Place on Sunday to show their support for marriage equality. The 'No More Delays - Marriage Equality Now' rally...

Wild Times at Drag Factory

It was a fun time at Drag Factory last night. Misty Flatable was the clear winner and crowd flavourite. She delivered her performance with...

Drag Factory: Work It

The Court's regular Wednesday night drag event was hot to trot as Lani Del Ray, Anna Phylaxis, Perri Oxide and Rubella battled it out...

PHOTOS: Friday at The Court

Friday night got a little aromatic at the Court as our queens sauteed their favourite Spices. Ginger (Veronica Jean Jones), Posh (Alexas Armstrong), Baby...

DECADANCE: Last Days of Disco

In the lead up to their massive 40th birthday, Connections Nightclub are counting down the decades and looking back at the music and culture...

Jailbird Party at The Court

The Court was in lockdown for their Orange is the New Black inspired Jailbird party in June. There's no escaping the fluorescent jumpsuits, handcuffs...

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Don't miss

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.

On This Gay Day | Poet Pat Parker died in 1989

Parker was an African American poet and activist.

Norwegian pop singer Dagny shares new mini album

Take a listen to her new song 'Hate Being Alone'.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

Marc Almond, Thomas Bangalter, Bronze Avery, Gustaph and Darin.

Meaghan Holden appointed inaugural CEO of Living Proud

Holden joins Living Proud from Switchboard in Victoria.