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Tag: Pridefest


Together: Pride WA reveal 2018 PrideFEST theme

Pride WA have announced the theme of the 2018 celebrations, and are calling for applications for those who wish to host an event at...

Pride WA reveal new committee and PrideFEST dates

A new committee has been elected at Pride WA and the team has quickly gotten to work organising the annual PrideFEST. Michael Della Maddalena,...

Record number of floats in Saturday's Pride Parade

This year will be the biggest Pride Parade ever, with a record 84 floats joining the march through the streets of Northbridge. At Wednesday's Parade...

Freedom '17: What freedoms can we celebrate this PrideFEST season?

Freedom (ˈfriːdəm), noun The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. synonyms: right to, entitlement to; privilege, prerogative, due The state...

PrideFEST kicks off this weekend with opening party and Fairday

PrideFEST is almost upon us, with celebrations getting started this weekend with a launch party at Connections Nightclub. Get down to Connies from 6pm and...

Get ready to celebrate 'Freedom' at Pride 2017

Pride WA hosted a networking function at The Court Hotel on Friday night and President Andrew Barker gave an insight into what his team...

Parties Galore After the Parade

There's no shortage of choice when it comes to Pride Parties tonight. After the Pride Parade wraps up there's  six different celebrations vying for...

WA Police will march in uniform for the first time at Pride 2016

WA Police will march in uniform at the Pride Parade on Saturday night. It's the first time Western Australian officers have been given permission...

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Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

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‘Snatch Game’ touring Australia with drag favourites

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ILGA World report highlights global opposition to LGBTI+ rights

The Laws of Us report documents legal developments across the 193 UN member states that have affected our communities between January 2023 and April 2024.

‘Ladies in Black’ takes us back to a different time in Australia

It's the second screen adaptation of Madeliine St John's novel.

‘Selling Sunset’ star Chrishell Stause joins ‘Neighbours’

Real estate reality star and LGBTIQA+ advocate Chrishell Stause...