Valentines Inspiration


Struggling to think of what to do on Valentine’s Day? Here are some ideas.

holding hands dreamstime_896646 editCake, Cake, Cake
Why not get your valentine something tasty to eat, like a cup cake. Sherbet, located on Wray Avenue in Maylands, makes some of the best cup cakes in town. If you’d like to do something together why not take a class in cake decorating. UWA extension has a course Chocolate and Hearts on February 10th. Find out all the details at


Flowers on Valentine’s Day are the traditional gift, but Florist Matthew Landers suggests going beyond the standard roses, which cost heaps more at this time of the year. Matthew suggests orchids, ‘Cut orchids come in over thirty colours and last over three weeks. We’re also about to access a large range of locally grown potted orchids in the Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium and Oncidium varieties.’ Check out Matthew Landers Florist on Albany Highway in Victoria Park.

Something Really Cheap
Head out to the viewing platform at the airport and watch planes take off and chat about all the places in the world you’d like to visit. Take your valentine to the beach to cool down – and show off all that work you’ve been putting in at the gym. Agree to meet them to watch the sun rise. Make them a card using old magazines, a stamp is only 60cents. Take them on a scenic drive. Take them on a picnic to Kings Park. Make them the modern equivelent of a mix tape, a mix MP3 playlist.    


Take your valentine out to dinner, splurge out and book a table at one of the top resturaunts. Take them out for a steak at Rockpool at Burswood, Harvest in North Fremantle or Red Cabbage in South Perth. If you’re on a tighter buget try out a brand new resturant with an adventurous cuisine like Echye’s Eritrean Resturant in Victoria Park. Totally broke? – Make them dinner at home, it’s the thought that counts.