Same Sex Marriage Among the Top Ten Most Mentioned Issues in 2013


Gay MarriageA review of what the most talked about topics in Australian media were in 2013 has revealed that same sex marriage is the tenth most mentioned topic in Australian media.

The annual report compiled by iSentia compared how often each issue has been mentioned in the past twelve months whether it be in print, on radio, television or online.

Same sex marriage was the tenth most talked about issue with 6056 mentions in the press, 56,245 mentions on radio, 42,830 mentions on television and 38,909 mentions online.

The other dominant issues were disability insurance, Gillard vs Rudd, automotive manufacturing, the carbon tax, drugs in sport, school funding reforms, asylum seekers and bush fires. The most mentioned issue was the 2013 federal election which scored a total of over 597,000 mentions.

Patrick Baume, Group Communications Manager for the media intelligence company has told OUTinPerth that last year same sex marriage didn’t event make the Top 20. This year is also distinctive because no international issues are included in the top 10 list. In 2012 significant coverage was given to the Syrian conflict, the London Olympics and the US presidential election.

OIP Staff