The Thick and Thin of It


Film-Toronto Preview

Matthew McConaughey is one of most recent actors to undergo a massive weight change for a role in ‘Dallas Buyers’ Club’. It is widely known that a significant increase or decrease in mass for the sake of a film is a sign of true acting prowess, so without further ado, here are some examples of performers who have either lost or gained a whole heap of flesh for the sake of their craft (Please note: ‘Out In Perth’ does not in any way advise doing this to yourself):

1.       Matthew McConaughey: Dallas’ Buyers’ Club

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Matthew McConaughey lost a whopping 21kg to play AIDs patient Ron Woodruff. Many found this shocking considering that the net worth of McConaughey’s torso had skyrocketed after ‘Magic Mike.’

2.       Jared Leto: Dallas Buyers’ Club


Jared Leto is our biggest repeat offender and changes his size as frequently as a blowfish suffering from hyperventilation. Not only did he lose 13kg for ‘Dallas Buyers’ Club’, but he also gave up 11kg of his person for ‘Requiem For a Dream’.

3.       Michael Fassbender: Hunger


Michael Fassbender shed 16kg (roughly the weight of one fully grown King Penguin) to play Irish Republican Bobby Sands.

4.       Hilary Swank: Boys Don’t Cry


Hilary Swank reportedly reduced her body fat to 7% to play Brandon Teena in the classic tragedy.

5.       50 Cent: Things Fall Apart


The notoriously beefy rapper lost 24kg to play an American football player with cancer in his film ‘Things Fall Apart.’

6.       Christian Bale: American Hustle


Christian Bale proudly sports a comb over and a paunch after gaining 19.5 kilos for ‘American Hustle’.

7.       Charlize Theron: Monster


Charlize Theron put on 13kgs to play serial killer Aileen Wuornos in this biopic.

8.       Renee Zellweger: ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’

Film Title: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason *handout*

Miss Zellweger famously put on 13kg for the role of Bridget Jones, and freaked everyone out when, after the film, she lost it seemingly immediately.

9.       Russel Crowe: ‘Body of Lies’


Russel Crowe put on 28kgs to play a character with a sedentary lifestyle in this spy thriller.

10.   Jared Leto: ‘Chapter 27’


Jared Leto appears again, this time putting on the weight of one fully grown Golden Retriever to play John Lennon’s murder in ‘Chapter 27’.

Sophie Joske