Researchers Seek Women for Important Survey



Calling on LBQTI women to do an online survey for the Rainbow Women’s Help Seeking Research

Researchers at the University of Melbourne are currently undertaking a study exploring help seeking behaviour among lesbian, bisexual, queer, same-sex attracted, trans and gender diverse, and intersex women.

The study has been funded by beyondblue, the National depression and anxiety initiative.

The team are looking for women at least 18 years of age who live in Australia to complete an anonymous online survey.

Completing the survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

The findings of the survey will be used to provide recommendations for improving health-related resources for LBQTI women, including information about mental health.

Click here to take part in the survey. 

The Chief Investigator of this project is Associate Professor Ruth McNair from the Department of General Practice, at The University of Melbourne. If you have any questions about the research please do not hesitate to contact Ruth on: 0419 120 663 or at: