New York to host WorldPride on 50th anniversary of Stonewall



yay-14908796It has been revealed that New York City will host the 2019 WorldPride event to commemorate 50 years since the revolutionary Stonewall riots.

The global event, which debuted in Rome back in 2000, was founded by Paul Stenson of InterPride to celebrate LGBT Pride, awareness and visibility on an international scale. The event has also been held in Jerusalem (2004), London (2012) and Toronto (2014).

The 1969 Stonewall riots are widely regarded as the major catalyst for the modern LGBT Rights movement, when LGBTIQ protestors stood up and fought against police aggression and discrimination.

In 1970, US streets saw the birth of a cultural icon as LGBT people marked the anniversary of the riots in the first Pride marches. In 1978, the movement planted its roots in Australian soil, as Aussie kin staged sister marches that would become known as the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Madrid is due to host the next WorldPride in 2017.

Watch the announcement trailer for the event below.