Review: Sinsuality is sensational


SIN1Sinsuality | Lunar Sensation |

Until Feb 21 | ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Barbie Q, one of Perth’s best known drag performers takes the Fringe world stage by storm for the first time. Joined by Kinetica, a seasoned fringe world group of circus performers, dancers and actors in SINSUALITY at ‘The Lunar Sensation’.

They provide a distinctly different and interesting insight into the world of the ‘seven deadly sins’ as seen by Barbie.

Barbie Q compares your journey through aerobatics, sensuality, comedy and some fabulous drag performances. Accompanied by amazing hairstyles, heels that only a seasoned drag performer could wear, exceptional costumes and superbly chosen music. (a Spotify list would not go astray)

Strangely erotic, and definitely homoerotic this show confronts stereotypes. At moments it was just as fun watching fellow audience members as those on the stage.

If you don’t have tickets yet, buy them! This show is fun, moving, erotic, damn well in your face, and for some in more ways than one. Well worth an hour of your life.

Alex Maltby



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