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Protesters occupy Cory Bernardi's South Australian office


Cory Bernardi’s office in his home state of South Australia has been occupied by protesters defiant of the Senator’s stance on the Safe Schools program.

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The program, which is meeting it’s own resistance here in Perth, is an opt-in program that provides resources to help schools cultivate a more inclusive environment for LGBTI students.

Pedestrian have reported that the group of protesters have made their way into Senator Bernardi’s Kent Town office, chanting “racist, sexist, anti-queer, Bernardi is not welcome here.”

Senator Bernardi has not yet commented on the incident.

OIP Staff

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  1. If you are a member of Socialist Alternative or you know someone who is a member call them to account for this destructive behaviour. The LGBTQIA community will never endorse terrorism or bullying.

  2. So what?! A few papers got messed up in a crowded occupied office and some furniture upturned. That happens when 40 people crowd into a space designed for 4. That could have all happened by accident.

  3. I can see why they did that. I felt the same way when he has mouthed off. but I think I’d rather see his lights punched out rather than useless destruction.

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