Go for a Wander with the WA Wanderers


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Local men’s walking group the WA Wanderers are meeting up this Sunday for a stroll along the banks of the Swan.

The WA Wanderers Bush Walking group will be meeting up at the Bayswater train station at 8:30 for a walk that begins at 9am. The group will be walking from Bayswater to Guildford along the river.

The group say the walk is very easy and mostly flat – a great one for new walkers to join in on. The walk is very scenic, mostly along the river. There are some great parks too, the Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary, Garvey Park, and the Kings Meadow.

Once the group reaches Guildford they plan to stop in at a local cafe for some coffee and cakes before catching the train back to Bayswater.

To join in, head to the south side of the Bayswater train station at 8:30am on Sunday morning. Bring along some water, sunscreen, a hat and maybe some light rain protection, feel free to bring light snacks or a packed lunch.

Don’t forget your smartrider card or some change to get the train back again, the walk is expected to take around four hours.

If you’re not already a member you’ll need to pay $10.00 for insurance coverage, or sign up for an annual membership for $40.00.

The group meet up on the third Sunday of each month, check out their full calendar of events.

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image: Stock photo by Lacey Raper