What's the best way to go about coming out at work?


Coming out at work can be a challenging process in some workplaces, while in others it’s simple and straightforward.

Out for Australia are hosting a seminar that tackles the question about how you can best go about coming out at work with some interesting panelists sharing their experiences.

Their discussion panel and networking event, hosted by pwc, will feature Alyce Schotte, Staff Resolution Officer at Australian Taxation Office, Andrew Lu, Partner HBA Legal and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at The University of Western Australia, Drew Duddy, Senior Advisor Occupational Health at Newcrest Mining, Phil Beckett, Strategy and Engagement Business Partner at Life Without Barriers and  Verity Long-Droppert, Barrister at Law at Albert Wolff Chambers.

The will discuss coming out in the workplace, corporate diversity culture and knowing where to turn for those who are experiencing or concerned about discrimination.

RSVP to attend the free event via the group’s Facebook page. The discussion is being held on Monday 26th November at pwc, Level 15, 125 St Georges Terrace.

OIP Staff