Victorian Liberal candidate argued against same-sex adoption


A Victorian Liberal candidate previously argued against same-sex couples being allowed to adopt saying that children should be raised by parents of opposite genders.

Peter Bain is the Liberal candidate for the new seat of Fraser in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. Bain was previously a candidate for the Family First Party, but defected to the Liberals when that party merged with Cory Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives.

The Herald Sun has highlighted that Mr Bain’s Family First website includes posts that argue step families, single parents and de facto couples  are bad and lead to violence and crime.

The website also argues against surrogacy and voices opposition to adoption being granted to anyone except married heterosexual couples.

The site also calls for a royal commission into climate change and argues that CO2 is not a pollutant.

A spokesperson for the Liberal party told the Herald Sun that Mr Bain now supports all the Liberal party policies and no longer holds those positions.

Bain is not alone as a Liberal candidate who previously held different views.

Allan Green, the Liberals candidate in the NSW seat of Greenway, previously made a series of anti-gay and anti-Muslim posts but has argued he was only reflecting the position of the Christian Democrats, the party he was previously member of.

Green says he now believes in all the policies of the Liberal party and the statements he previously made over several years were not his personal views.

OIP Staff