Revelation Film Festival launches XR:WA Festival and Conference


Taking place alongside the Revelation Perth International Film Festival, XR:WA is a new initiative designed to platform locally produced immersive and games content, provide B2B opportunities for those working in the field, deliver real professional development outcomes and connect audiences with the depth and breadth of this sector working with immersive technology.

Over nine days, XR:WA will take place at venues across Perth and Fremantle with a series of exhibitions, workshops, speakers, masterclasses, screenings and experiences.

From July 12-14, XR:WA’s activity will be focused on Perth’s Pan Pacific Hotel with a three-day industry conference and public experience hybrid that embraces games, AR, VR, installations and an interrogation of the forms from its industrial and education applications to art and entertainment outputs to social justice and reportage.

“XR:WA is a truly exciting and utterly unique event” says XR:WA and Revelation Film Festival Director Richard Sowada.

“It’s both a celebration and an education on every level and opens a whole world of opportunity. We’re building bridges to these new forms of storytelling for established industry sectors while joining the dots between new and emerging industries to create a critical mass across these diverse but joined-at-the-hip forms.”

Highlights of XR:WA 2019 include;

Spacecubed Games & Experience Emporium
This self-contained space is packed with dozens of locally developed playable games, VR experiences and AR surprises. Includes the Playup Perth Games Zone presented by Sentient Computing.
Pan Pacific Hotel, July 12-14

360’ Cinema
Featuring six internationally acclaimed 360’ works including the Cannes favourite Rone, the indigenous themed Carriberrie and VIA Alice and local favourite Antarctica VR Experience, this is unique communal VR experience is for all audiences.
Pan Pacific Hotel, July 12-14

Ready Team One
Full body live and immersive VR team gameplay as your team of five is transported to an off-world spaceship to battle aliens while completing a communal mission.
Pan Pacific Hotel, July 12-14

Beer and Board Games @ Studio Startup
Over three nights, spend some time experiencing locally developed board games and local multiplayer computer games in this unique subterranean start up and co-working space.
Studio Startup, July 12-14

On Exactitude in Science
A free two-channel installation from Irish artist Alan Butler screening Reggio’s symphonic documentary classic Koyaanisqatsi alongside a shot for shot remake of that work scoured from Grand Theft Auto.
Pan Pacific Hotel, July 12-14

Talks, Panels, Keynotes & Workshops
Join us with some of WA’s own games, VR, AR and AI experts as we examine the current state of play in all sectors including discussions surrounding new narrative forms, industrial applications of VR in medicine, architecture, science and entertainment, doing business with Asia, photogrammetry and photography and the future of the forms.
Pan Pacific Hotel, July 12-14

Screen Industry Field and Career Days
If you’re wanting to explore what the screen sector has to offer as a career, this event over 3-days allows you to meet industry professionals, organisations, campuses and industry guilds who can shine a light on the myriad industry opportunities across its new and traditional forms.
Pan Pacific Hotel, July 12-14

XR:WA will also expand across town with a range of events and talks including spaces such as Studio Startup in the heart of Perth city, Curtin University’s sensational research gallery The HIVE, the WA Maritime Museum, Sunset Studios, Luna Palace Cinemas and the Pan Pacific Hotel in the most comprehensive and ambitious WA screen industry event seen for many years.

XR:WA is presented by the City of Perth and supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Culture and Curtin University.

For the ongoing XR:WA program and conference registrations, please visit

Source:- Media release