WA AIDS Council seeks volunteers to help with programs


The WA AIDS Council is looking for people to join their team of volunteers to help deliver essential services that support people living with HIV, encourage the ‘safe sex’ message and improve awareness about living with HIV.

Volunteers work on some of the major events the WA AIDS Council is involved in including Naidoc week, the Pride festival, Keep it Safe for Summer at Leavers week in Dunsborough, as well as many school based health expos.

Volunteers also deliver educational talks in schools around the state, and contribute to the organisations well known and respected needle exchange program.  There are also opportunities for volunteers in office support including report and grant writing, working in reception, undertaking graphic design, communications, finance and many other areas.

There are also volunteer roles in both clinical and admin roles at the M-Clinic, and peer based volunteers are needed at the Freedom Centre – Perth’s LGBTIQ+ youth centre.  You can also volunteer in the counselling and support services that provide assistance to people living with HIV.


To find out all the details check out the advertisement on seek.com and apply to help out.

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