Rapture Nightclub accused of cashing in on Pride celebrations


Rapture Nightclub has been accused of cashing in on Perth’s Pride night celebration by throwing a pride party.

The club made headlines in October when it’s owner Neil Scott suggested a woman who raised concern about drink spiking was not attractive enough to have her drink spiked.

At the time people also noted public comments Scott had made on his Facebook page around the time of the marriage postal survey.

In a post allegedly by the club owner he voices his opposition to same sex marriage and same sex couple raising children.

In the post, which are no longer visible on the social media account, Scott states that the gay community is “vociferous” and shout down “good people” who have an opposing view. The post also includes the statement that “anal sex is wrong and children need and mother and father.”

Given his previous opposition to the LGBTIQ community, the club’s announcement that their holding as pride party has received a onslaught on condemnation. The club’s advertisement for their Pride Party features their logo redesigned in the colours of the Pride flag.

On Saturday night Perth’s LGBTIQ community will celebrate 30 years since the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Western Australia.

While this year’s parade has a record number of floats, participants and corporate sponsors, there’s also a large number of party’s occurring after the parade. Alongside the traditional official party there are Pride events at The Court Hotel, Connections Nightclub, The Brass Monkey, Rechabites, Loton Park and several others.

OUTinPerth has reached out to the club for comment.Â