Rapture Nightclub in Northbridge is facing a social media storm after a patron shared an unsatisfactory response they got from the club’s management when they raised concern about alleged drink spiking at the venue.
The patron shared that they’d sent several messages to the club’s Facebook page without getting a response, but when the venue did respond they accused the patron of faking the claim and asked if she thought she was someone “worth” having their drink spiked.
In screenshots published from the interaction the young woman raises concern saying she and her friends had visited the club and had only had two or three drinks before they reached the venue.
“I only had 2 or 3 drinks before I came in so I definitely wasn’t drunk, bought 1 drink from the bar and was then unconscious for the next 2.5 hours, vomiting & experiencing other common symptoms of a date rape drug.”
The patron says she would be unlikely to visit the venue again because she only saw one security guard inside the venue.
In a second message the patron says since sharing her experience she has heard from other people who have had similar experiences and asks if the club is concerned?
When she receives a message back from the club’s management, it’s filled with accusations, and the club says they don’t believe anyone would “waste drugs” on drink spiking.
“What proof do you have of your drink being spiked?”, “Why would anyone want to spike your drink?”, “Would you like a crowd controller to hold you drink for you next time you attend a nightclub?” and “Are you worth someone trying to spike your drink?”
The manager asks the patron is she attended a hospital and got her stomach pumped for evidence, and asks if she and her friends regularly experience the symptoms she reported.
Since the posts were shared on social media the club’s reviews have dropped to just 1.1 out of 992 submissions. The venue recently celebrated its first birthday. The James Street venue is at the former site of DV8 nightclub which had stood empty for over a decade.
OIP Staff, OUTinPerth contacted Rapture Nightclub for comment. The club has not addresses the controversy publicly.