Bibliophile | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's 'Eat Better Forever'


Eat Better Forever
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

With so many debates about the food we consume that many people are left feeling confused, anxious and even guilty about something that is essential for their survival. Avoiding most of the negativity surrounding our nourishment, this book is a welcome relief, making it easier to choose, eat and enjoy food that is good for us.

Why would we want to do this? Because, although we are living longer and have so much medical knowledge to treat illnesses, many people are in poor health with conditions that could be prevented through lifestyle changes that primarily centre on eating better.

Chef, writer and broadcaster Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall consulted with several food scientists when working on Britain’s Fat Fight for the BBC. He was able to bust some myths about our diet and work out what was required for optimal eating habits … as well as lose weight in the process.

Offering vital knowledge and useful tips, he emphasizes that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to eating better but he outlines seven simple (in theory anyway) ways to improve eating habits. “Any one of them will make a difference. All seven together are transformative.” It can’t hurt to give a couple a go and see what happens.

The emphasis is on varied ‘real foods’ and avoiding the empty calories of processed food and refined carbohydrates. He explains about gut health and how to get a perspective on fats. Nothing is prescriptive but he does suggest rethinking what you are drinking (alcohol as well as the drinks that are actually food) and being mindful about what you are eating … and not eating.

The second half of the book has recipes based on whole, high-fibre, gut-friendly ingredients to help with getting better at eating what’s good for us. There are brilliant breakfasts, healthy lunch box suggestions, satisfying dinners and treats. This is not a book about losing weight, but it might be a by-product of thinking about the quality of what you put in your mouth and not the calories.

Lezly Herbert

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