Madonna Releases Her Secret Project


Madonna Secret Project

After months of teasing and speculation Madonna has released her ‘Secret Project’.

It’s a 17 minute long film focusing on the theme of freedom directed by photographer Steven Klein.

The film got it’s first airing when it was projected on to the side of buildings in seven cities around the world.

Now the film can also be watched on YouTube but if you download it from BitTorrent you get a whole bunch of extra features.

The film launches a larger project Art for Freedom. The project is described as;

Art For Freedom is a global digital initiative, led by Madonna, designed to fuel free speech – to respond, address and protest persecution around the world. It is an online public art project encouraging the world to express their personal meaning of freedom and revolution, in the form of video, music, poetry, and photography. Public submissions will become part of the Art For Freedom platform: contributors can join the project by uploading original artwork or tagging original posts #artforfreedom.

Take a look at the film below.